Andrei Strizek

Music | Musings

Technical Difficulties

I've been trying to get some pictures posted from last week's production of Songs For a New World, but I'm having difficulties. My computer doesn't read the DVD that has the pictures on it, so I need to use the computer lab at school. I sifted through the 500+ pictures today and started putting a few up on Facebook. When I tried to get them on the website, it said they loaded but they never showed up. I'm not sure if the files are too large (about 10 MB each), and I need to compress them, or what exactly the issue is. I hope to get pictures up soon, and maybe some video clips when I get a copy (but that could bring about a whole other host of difficulties).

In the meantime, if we're Facebook friends, feel free to peep on my pics. I'll be posting more tomorrow. If we're not Facebook friends, this link should take you to the album.

A huge thank you to Taylor Price for his great photography!

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