Musical Advent Calendar Christmas Eve Bonus
My Mission: One holiday-themed, non-carol song every day between now & Christmas. It's my own version of an Advent calendar. I may succeed, I may fail, but there will at least be some good music posted ... music you won't hear at the mall, that hopefully won't make you end up looking like him. ----->
(image via Christmas Eve Bonus: "Turkey Lurkey Time" from Promises, Promises, by Burt Bacharach & Hal David. (This performance is taken from their Tony Awards performance. Make sure you watch the version from the campy film Camp, which is almost completely true to the original choreography, and where I first fell in love with this song. See below for some great commentary on it from Seth Rudetsky.)
You also can't pass up Seth Rudetsky's great deconstruction of the above film clip:
(You can see previous songs here. Email me or comment below if you have a tune suggestion!)